Kimbo Vs Brett Rogers might happen in October CBS show.

Kimbo today told Dan Le Batard on radio that there is a possibility he will fight Brett Rogers in October. Rogers who was very vocal after Kimbo's win over James Thompson at the EliteXC: Primetime post fight interview. Rogers said he saw saw Kimbo tap in the first round of his fight against Thompson. In the interview Kimbo had this to say about Rogers.
“Considering Brett Rogers is as ignorant as he is, he’s probably looking at it like Kimbo Slice can be a meal ticket. Instead of making the fight at more of a business tip, this is going to be personal. This shit is personal now."
Rogers and Kimbo are both pushing the issue of a fight against each other now and it is only June 6th, so I would expect this fight to get a lot of press and publicity.

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