EliteXC's Primetime, some fans are outraged! UPDATED GIF...

UPDATE There is no controversy Kimbo did not tap here is the proof.

So that rumor/ controversy gets put to rest now.
So there has been a lot of controversy over the James Thompson Vs Kimbo fight last night. Fans are upset Thompson was not given the stoppage and win after hitting Kimbo with successive shots at the end of the second round and Slice did not defend himself. Also there is a lot of controversy over a camera shot that panned to the audience in the middle of the fight. In the middle of the first round when Thompson had Kimbo in a guillotine there are fans who are saying that Kimbo tapped out as the camera panned away. At this moment there is no other shot of the action but here is the controversial camera shot.


It looks really shady because when the action is stopped for a audience shot that made no sense at all. So whether this is some sort of technical error or big conspiracy theory we will find out soon.
What do you think?
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Anonymous said...

tHAT SHIT WAS fIEXEd everyone knows it too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gary Shaw has brought Boxing tactics to MMA and will kill our sport now also....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I dont know even with the new GIF that fight had alot of bullshit in it I dont know but I wont watch a EliteX card again...

Anonymous said...

Why the hell did they stop the Scott Smith fight and then make it a No contest I have never heard of that rule. That it has t ogo 3 fights....

Anonymous said...

RE- MrMarcus Penis...

Wheres the proof first?

Anonymous said...

You guys are a bunch of bitches Kimbo won that fight fair and square.....

Anonymous said...

Shut the F@#$ up Shaw>Dana.

Put that Bitch in his place Narcisist!!!!

Anonymous said...

You guys have no proof UR just a bunch of UFC FANBOYZZZZZ

Anonymous said...

That fight was bull Kimbo should have lost in the 2 round....